In my experience as an Application Engineer, getting context on a new solution was always very frustrating. I know I need to look for a Ford not a Ferrari, but specialized solutions do not have that context, and it seems practically impossible to get "budgetary estimates". Each project will be complex and custom quote, but the following is a little context and order of magnitude.
Nation wide many large corporations have determined that investing in Solar electrical production has a good ROI.
System costs have dropped dramatically in recent years. A common metric is the "Nameplate" system price as $/Watt, . Keep in mind that exact installed complexity and size affect final cost.
The most common way to make a Solar install cost effective. The power feeds into the building first and back to the grid when over producing. A special utility meter will track how much was sent to the grid and credit your bill, potentially giving a negative balance. Limited to 99% of total annual use.
Typical payback is now 7 years or less. An "Order of Magnitude" estimate is 7 times the annual electric bill. Especially well suited sites and incentives may drop the payback to only 2 years!
Feeling good about your power supply is nice but business also needs a good ROI. Working with Toledo & Lucas County Port Authority, usually enables long term financing that will provide savings starting in the first year. Many systems will yield 300% or better ROI.
On a per panel basis, the peak power produced when receiving full sun (generally noon in summer). On a system basis, the total collection of panels. However, when they are not oriented consistently, will not hit that peak all together. My home system is 8.97 kW, with half East, half West.
Common cost comparison across installations as $/Watt, for Installed Price per Nameplate Size. My home system Installed Price was $32,740 (before incentives) for $3.65/W. On par for Residential, while Commercial will be significantly better.
Levelized Cost of Electricity provides a comparison against other suppliers, by extrapolating the final system cost over the lifespan production. My utility charges $0.108kWh versus my LCOE $0.093kWh. Commercial may achieve $0.050kWh, HALF the cost for electricity.
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